Research at VyatSU

Kirov student invented a smart gas burner

  • 9 April 2022, 13:59
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1295

Ivan Ustyuzhanin, a third-year student at Vyatka State University, has developed a gas burner that has no analogues in the world. It will avoid gas leakage and related explosions.

The essence of the development is not the number of sensors. Here they are not at all. University scientists deliberately abandoned electronics in order to achieve maximum reliability.

A tandem of a mechanism and a special material, which is responsible for promptly turning off the gas supply device, will help to ensure it.

“Our burner has two levels of protection. The first is a sealed lid. In it, we use the product of grinding and heat treatment of volcanic glass.

When the burner is filled with water, the lid quickly increases in mass and size and closes the slots of the burner divider, shutting off the gas,” says the inventor.

There is also a second level of protection. This is an additional detail inside the product - a pusher, where Ivan provided a special spring. It will work when the burner is flooded or the fire is extinguished, if the first level of protection does not work - the cover.

Importantly, scientists from Vyatka State University claim that the installation of smart burners on gas stoves will not lead to their rise in price.


